Follow-up on key button mortising

Newton Hunt
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 19:28:42 -0500

> Now to figure out how to get the balance rail pins out without
> damaging them. ;)

WOW!  I really admire anyone how can do such a thing in metal with
sophisticated tools.  I described my idea because it would be
something that _I_, not being metal worker, could make for myself.

My idea for the use of my tool would be two fold, first to unbush keys
easily AND size the mortise precise to a perfect fit and/or to move a
mortise slightly left or right to help prevent splitting the key when
the mortise was off center.

As for removing the pins you have two easy choices.  If you can find a
pin vise of such a size you can lock it onto the pin, lower down, and
twist it out.  Or you can use parallel jaw compound pliers with nylon
jaw liners to protect the pin and twist them out.

What a marvelous approach to your problem.


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