Hazardous Environment

Dorothy A. Bell dabell58@earthlink.net
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 18:59:43 -0500

Dear List,
A wording I have sometimes used to escape from bad-health environments
is, "I'm sorry, but I have a condition which [gets me out of whatever it
is that I don't want to do]" -- in this case, "I have a condition which
requires me to stay away from cigarette smoke." This seems to make
people less cranky than saying, "Cigarette smoke is bad for my health,"
which often provokes defensiveness.
In my experience if I follow that up with a suggestion for them to do,
like "Do you know how to look for a different tuner," they usually get
going on that and forget all about my "condition."
Just a suggestion from the world of Visiting Nursing --
Dorrie Bell
Associate Member, PTG

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