Baldwin SF Grand and hazardous environment

Brian Henselman
Sat, 4 Dec 1999 16:36:26 -0600

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Doug wrote:
   " When this customer calls me back for the next tuning, I'm =
contemplating saying that do to health reason I can't work in the =
environment of their home."

All I can say is AMEN, BROTHER.  At the risk of starting a major flame =
war... I can't think of anything much more offensive that having someone =
smoke at close range while I'm working on their piano.  I've been =
tempted to open up a bottle of hammer hardner and ask the client to =
smoke somewhere else, or they run the risk of blowing the place up.  =
(It's just a sick little fantacy, but still having her smoking down your =
neck is pretty rude even if it is her house.)

In sympathy for smokers, its an addiction, and I understand there are =
cravings.  But still it's a really rude client that lights up at close =
range.  I've got a bunch of smokey club venues that I won't tune for =
until the air has cleared out the following morning.  Some clients will =
go into the next room to smoke after I've asked them not to smoke while =
I'm tuning.  Even though this is a small improvement, my clothes still =
stink so bad that I have to get a shower and change when I get home or =
my wife won't let me into the house.

Good luck with the client.  I personally keep a "do not call" list for =
clients that insist on fumagating me with smoke while tuning.  When they =
call back, I just refer them to someone else.  I haven't had the guts to =
tell them that I won't tune for them anymore if they smoke.  Maybe I =
should adopt your idea, and face this head on.

Brian Henselman, RPT
Austin, TX 78749

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