Baldwin SF Grand and hazardous environment

Jim Coleman, Sr.
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 09:18:53 -0700 (MST)

Hi Doug:

Those "sleds" on the SF10 are the forward termination pieces. The little
"buttons" close to the strings are the allen-head screws which attach the
piece to the Capo Bar. The only way I can imagine the string hitting those
screws is if for some reason they were not screwed in tight in the first

These termination pieces are the replacement for the earlier termination
Bars which came out on the SD10 in the mid 60s. These pieces are a 
result of much experimentation in the late 60s and early 70s. The original
bars were straight, necessitating an alteration of the hammer line to
keep the strikepoints reasonably close to where they should be. The newer
pieces allowed a curved termination line at the Capo and hence a straight
hammerline. These hardened steel pieces also have a very special plating 
which provides better lubricity for the string movements.

Jim Coleman, Sr.

On Sat, 4 Dec 1999, Nancy McMillan wrote:

> Hi list,
> Serviced an older Baldwin SF 7' grand the other day and in the high =
> tenor and treble where the strings pass under the v bar there were =
> individual metal sleds that each group of strings passed through.  On =
> the far side of the sled there was a metal button hanging down.  One was =
> close enough to the strings to make a slight rattle under a heavy blow.  =
> I don't think the strings were pressing on the v bar, it looked like the =
> sleds were functioning in that manner.
> To tell you the truth, I didn't really take a close inspection of these =
> things I just wanted out of the house as fast as I could.  The customer =
> met me at the door with a cigarette going and she had three dogs inside. =
>  Besides the cig. smoke, the place smelled like a kennel.  The piano was =
> filthy, so after three hours of cleaning and tuning with the customer =
> sitting behind me smoking constantly, a had a raging sinus infection =
> with a headache.  My sinus' still aren't right after 5 days.=20
> Can anybody enlighten me about these sleds?
> Plus, when this customer calls me back for the next tuning, I'm =
> contemplating saying that do to health reasons I can't work in the =
> environment of their home.
> Anybody ever do this before?
> Comments and suggestion are deeply appreciated.
> Sincerely sniffling,
> Doug Mahard, Associate

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