A word of thanks

Brian Holden bholden@wave.co.nz
Sat, 4 Dec 1999 09:04:56 +1300

.......and that's what it's all about!

Brian Holden, Piano Tuner,  20 years,  New Zealand

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Lawson <lawsonic@global.co.za>
To: pianotech <pianotech@ptg.org>; MPT <MPT@talklist.com>
Date: Saturday, 4 December 1999 8:31
Subject: A word of thanks

>Hi, just some musings on two customers that I went to today
>First one is someone who was one of the first I had since I had been going
>on my own, he called me the other day, wanting a tuning just prior to
>Christmas. I have seen him shopping and we say hello, and he has invited me
>around just for coffee whenever in the area. He usually pays by post dated
>cheque (that's "check" to the US members)  and have never had any probem
>with that. A nice person and he
>likes my work.
>The other customer had called me back as there was something wrong. So I
>look and listen to the notes he is refering to and make adjustments and he
>is happy. He tells me I'm best he's had and has gone through many techs,
>calling them out one time and one time only,  but he was really
>of the care I took (to me, just my ususal) in tuning a couple of months
>I find it nice to get that type of "Thank You" - makes it all seem
>Well, it is all worthwhile or I'd be doing something else.
>Brian Lawson
>IC PTG, MPT = member at large
>Johannesburg, South Africa

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