
Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 09:38:39 EST

In a message dated 12/3/99 12:22:35 AM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:

<< Greetings!
 I am in the middle of the Potter piano course.  When I am finished, my
 desire is to relocate somewhere else.  Do you think it is wise to plan
 that right after the Potter course, or do you think I will have a much,
 much better chance of success if I wait till I have some experience?
 How would I go about relocating to a different state and town?
 Matthew >>

Any employer will be much more likely to hire you if you have some 
experience. However, it all depends on how good you are, now,.and how much an 
employer needs someone, now. 

You can use this forum to advertise your availability, or use the Journal, or 
even a magazine like Music Trades. 

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