[Fwd: PTG Member Survey Now "Up"]

kam544@flash.net kam544@flash.net
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 19:32:24 -0600

>There are a number of RPT's around the world. I believe each is nominally
>a member of some chapter here in the States...
>...There is a task group within the board that is
>supposed to be looking into the matter...
>...They should at least have the benefits of PTG
>membership available to them.
>Kent Swafford

Your comments essentially confirm the information I presented, that being,
some changes/additions of the PTG Bylaws will have to be implemented to
correct and update this conflict in wording to reflect what apparently
already exists.

Sorry if I got your hopes up, Richard, about setting the precedent.     :-))

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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