[Fwd: PTG Member Survey Now "Up"]

kam544@flash.net kam544@flash.net
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 20:17:35 -0600

>What.. is this survey for RPT's only ??...
>Richard Brekne

This survey, Richard, is for members of the Piano Technicians Guild, not
for RPTs' only.

In brief and commenting as one of the members only, and not for the Piano
Technicians Guild (PTG) collectively, I understand the purpose of a survey
to be used as an effective tool to aid in better understanding and
administrating of the needs and wishes of its membership.

Those members who participate in the survey help steer the PTG towards
potential new horizons and goals.

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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