What would you do?

Roy Ulrich ulrich@rangenet.com
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 15:59:15 -0600

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Richard and list,

My point was that no organization is going to have much impact on the =
laws of supply and demand. The market will weed out the frauds and the =
poor quality. Sure, there will be some people burnt but in _our_ =
democracy one has the right to waste your money just as much as another =
has the right to sell you a lower quality anything for less money. Just =
look at all the "made in China, or Taiwan or whatever, R.O.C." _junk_ =
that we're being bombarded with from shoes to Christmas lights to.... By =
the way, my "Made in China" Christmas lights carry a large tag =
indicating "UL Approved" AND, they don't work. My biggest frustration is =
not that these low end products are on the market, but that due to =
ignorance on the part of the general public people are buying this stuff =
and forcing the quality goods off the market. I resent having to pay =
$260 for a good, Wisconsin made pair of dress shoes, but I'll resent it =
more when there's a "PayLess" on every corner and my calf skin leather =
soled metatarsal arched wing tips are no more. There will always be =
people who demand quality and will pay the price just as there will be =
the skinflints looking for anything with 88 keys - and the keys don't =
even have to be intact. Those people don't read Consumer Reports and =
have never heard of the PTG. My humble opinion is just that any effort =
to engage _any_ group in rating, recommending, condeming, or otherwise =
placing value on piano manufacturers will be a waste of time. The better =
mousetrap builders will win in the end. I feel badly for those who waste =
their money on inferior products, but the bottom line is that I didn't =
design it, I didn't build it, I didn't buy it, the service call is 50 =
bucks plus mileage. Sorry, have a nice day.

My caller I.D. unit from U.S. West, (a major telephone service provider) =
was, I finally found out, blocking calls from reaching my answering =
machine. Printed on the bottom was the phrase "Made in China". You can =
guess where it is now. I cannot be arrogant enough to believe that I'm =
the _only_ person on the planet that has discovered the recent barrage =
of junk on the market, and rest assurred there is a new rule in _this_ =
house that says made in China? - doesn't come off the store's shelf. We =
learn, and I for one have faith in the rest of the people I share the =
planet with that the "same old defeatism that's ruled the planet for 200 =
years" while annoying, will continue to _through supply and demand_ =
govern our industry better than any watch group can accomplish.

Roy Ulrich

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