Tool Update

Jon Page
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 08:17:35 -0400

All I can say is, is that guy is not too good if he can not find the 
benefit in that tool. he IS too much filled with himself.

I'm glad you like the tool, many techs here appreciate the portability
and ease of use. It took a long time to develop, maybe it will take a long
time for that guy to understand it.

Tunings can get to be a bore and being able to service the piano mechanically
is where the money is. You can tune and then comment how the action would
respond better if these certain adjustments were made.

Don't forget, if you raise the hammer line, strengthen the repetition springs
if needed. I don't know how much you are into regulation, but there are a few
adjustments which go hand in hand.

Another task for the TLRG which someone discovered:
With the string placed at the ends of the rods, the line can be used to
measure crown on the bottom of the sound board more easily.



At 07:11 PM 6/30/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello Jon.
>I have a comment to make, I used to do tunnings mainly, and also, because
>here were i live life is getting somewhat complicated, I have a coleague who
>does repairs and adjustments, I can really say that he works very nicely, I
>maight say is one of the best but I discovered that he must have a complex,
>because he considers himself the best also, but won´t recognize any merits
>in anything done by anyone else. When you sent me those tools I lent them to
>him to se what was his opinion, after a couple of weeks I asked him and his
>answer was that he had no use for them, I got them back and tried them
>myself, and I can tell you that you are right, they are wonderful for field
>work. specially the one you devised. I mostly like the fact that you can
>carry it easily and do many of the things for which I used to use the
>¨Jaras¨, so I am taking it everywere now, and I started to do technical jobs
>also. ( People is strange sometimes )

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