Need NYC info

Tom Cole
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 21:48:15 -0700

Glenn wrote:
> Hello All.  My brother has a growing interest in piano technology.  He is
> considering the Randy Potter course and other learning methods 


I have the Randy Potter course, formerly owned by a friend who studied
piano tuning for a year but quit after his second paying job when he
discovered that it just wasn't for him (tuning hammer on the wrong pin,
he broke a tenor string on an old upright and couldn't get the new
string on the hitch pin).

He needed some money so I bought everything he had gotten to prepare for
his new career. If your brother is considering the Randy Potter course,
I would be glad to sell it to him. I don't think that it would be the
same as getting the course from Randy himself (in which case, he would
send in samples of his work and be evaluated, etc.). Your brother would
need to work with a local tuner for that purpose.

But, I would be willing to sell it for a very low price. I haven't
decided what would be fair but make me a completely ridiculous offer.
I've gotten most of my money back from the sale of the SAT.


Thomas A. Cole RPT
Santa Cruz, CA

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