Piano Valuations

Wimblees@aol.com Wimblees@aol.com
Fri, 19 Jun 1998 10:18:43 EDT

In a message dated 98-06-18 08:03:15 EDT, you write:

<< This would be a tremendous service.  I think the guild should have on
 its' website a place where all techs can simply report each sale of a
 piano they see.  A rating of 1-10 could be given for each aspect of the
 piano (finish, soundboard, action, tone etc.) along with the selling
 price and age.  This database would quickly become huge, and would be
 sorted by make, model, age to do a search. This would make our
 appraisals much more credible and consistent.
 -Mike Jorgensen RPT >>


I think your idea has merrit. My immediate concern was the geographical
differences, but you address that very well, by having "MM", etc put with
every transaction. 

Any one out there with the computer knowledge to set up a program such as

Can we discuss it in Providence?

Willem Blees

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