Knabe agraffes... a couple thoughts

R. Goodale
Tue, 16 Jun 1998 21:36:18 -0600

J Patrick Draine wrote:
> Howdy list,
> I have a customer with a 1924 Knabe grand with a broken bi-chord
> agraffe. None of my replacements fit 1/4" standard or american thread or
> 7/32". Anyone have any idea what size thread is used? Knabe/PianoDisc
> was no help. Thanks in advance.

Since it is obviously a very old and obsolete size, before retaping the
hole for a new size perhaps you could:

1. Chat with some rebuilders in your area. Someone may have an old plate
from a worthless piano hanging around that you could pull an agraff
from, assuming you can find the correct size.

2. Instead of retapping the hole for a modern size, recut the threads a
new oversize agraff down to match the original thread. This way all of
the plate holes will remain the same, preserving the piano unaltered for
a rebuilder sometime in the future.

Just a thought.

Rob Goodale, RPT

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