Standing on shoulders

Carl Root
Tue, 16 Jun 1998 19:12:27 -0400

Gregory Torres wrote:
> I find personally that when comparing a machine tuning with an aural one  I
> found the aural more "sweet". Maybe the ETD tunings are "technically" more
> accurate but I personally will tune aurally when faced with a nice
> instrument and am not pressed for time. JMHO

We should be able to measure the 'sweet' tuning, compare it to the 'dry'
technically accurate one, and determine what it is that makes the
'sweet' one better . . . . IF we can all agree it's better.  If we
agree, then that becomes the new model.

Everything we do . . . .  regulation, tuning, voicing . . . . . can be
measured for the sake of comparison.


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