Restringing just the bass

Jon Page
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 07:21:31 -0400

The pin is cut off   1/4" (6mm) below the hole.
Now it is a short pin. or more correctly; what's left of a pin.

This way, when you are making a coil for say A1, you have more
room since the bottom of the pin isn't sticking down into the other pins.

Cutting the pin up from the bottom reduces the length of steel
to cut through, 1/4" as opposed to 5/8".  I leave my 'piece-o-pin'
jammed into the crank so I always know where it is, and with the cut
coming from the bottom I do not have to remove the pin from the crank.

Jon Page
Harwich Port, Cape Cod, Mass. (
At 07:32 PM 6/11/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Yeah, Jon. I just saw a slot in the top to the bottom of the becket hole
>and use it that way. I don't understand the cut below the hole or the tight
>quarters idea.  I still can't picture it.  Explain again?  
>Lance Lafargue, RPT
>New Orleans Chapter
>Covington, LA.

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