Yamaha Service Bond -Reply

Billbrpt@aol.com Billbrpt@aol.com
Tue, 9 Jun 1998 22:14:04 EDT

In a message dated 6/6/98 3:10:19 PM Central Daylight Time,
dkvander@clandjop.com writes:

<< Thanks for your reply.  However, I must respectfully disagree with you!  I
 am beginning to think that hammer alignment is one of the best things that
 I can do for a new piano the first time I see it.  >>

Once again, David, you are right.  Especially in a grand (because of the soft
pedal voicing) but also in a vertical where hammers are close together and can
rub at the slightest misalignment.

The Midwest climate is very hard on pianos.  Yamaha pianos are usually prepped
fairly well but this Service Bond is to be performed when the piano has been
in service 6 months and really does need to have its hammers aligned and
flanges tightened along with all the other requirements.

You can work out whatever might be necessary with the dealer as far as what
you are paid but that "Service Manager" needs to really understand how hard
you are working and why it seems to take you 3 times as long as "the other
guy" without badmouthing that person.  A tough row to hoe but not much
different than the "How do I get experience if I can't get a job?"  dilemma.
You can find a way to make it work for you if you are true to yourself, the
piano's requirements and your profession.  There is probably a reason you are
being hired instead of the guy who gave the dealer the impression that this
was a 45 minute job.

Good luck,

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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