Tue, 2 Jun 1998 18:57:39 EDT

Et al;
  Having the opportunity to create a paper pattern, due to a passing attack of
brain gas, of a set of bass strings...I discovered I was out of heavy brown
'kraft' paper.  I went to the local "Paper and Such Shack" and discovered some
white butcher paper that was less expensive (.10 cents a roll) than 'kraft'
and was stronger also, for the same thickness.
  I have now made my pattern using this paper and found it much better to work
with than 'kraft'. It resists moisture and tearing better than 'kraft' and any
guide marks/rubbings show up much better than on 'kraft'.
  Just thought I would pass this on for anyone else looking for a "lifetime
supply" of paper for pattern making. :-)
Jim Bryant (FL)

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