Temperament debate

Billbrpt@aol.com Billbrpt@aol.com
Sat, 31 Jan 1998 09:33:39 EST

In a message dated 98-01-31 02:51:35 EST, you write:

<< What do you think?
 That there was something very wrong about how you were treated way back
 when and that you would like to be loved and accepted. Bill, I hope that
 you can find the healing that you seek.
 Best regards,
 Tom >>

    This is merely a flippant rekark that does not address the issue.  I've
heard it called a "flame", a "waste of bandwidth" or even "libel" on this
list.  It regresses to what Les Smith hoped would be over by now, a debate
about the rightness or wrongness of HT's and ET's.  

    Sorry Tom, I don't do what I do or say what I say to just to attract
attention.  If you want to participate in this discussion and debate about
HT's, don't talk about an individual's personalities, talk about the effects
that temperaments have on music.

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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