
Guy, Karen, and Tor Nichols nicho@lascruces.com
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 14:51:49 -0700

At 04:20 PM 1/25/98 EST, you wrote:
>Jim writes: 
><snipping stuff that doesn't disturb me>
> >  it disturbs me to see questions/comments formed that places ET on > one
>side and historical tunings on the other.  
>     Yea, me too.  I am not sure where the contention comes from. I have been
>on ET for years, and just recently added the other tunings.  It is an
>enriching addition.   Poses the question, "Why do the heathen rage?"
>     I really would like to see a temperament discussion on the sound of
>tunings, rather than the theoretical "rightness" of doing them or not.  
>Ed Foote 
Ed, Bill, Gina, Jim, et al.......
	I chose Ed's post to use for puttin' in my two cents, 'cause of what he
said above, and his expertise in HT. But it could have been almost any of
the posts I finally got caught up on,(and in), around the HT-VS-ET.
	My tuning education was .... sad, to say the least. Shop work was what I
was assigned, 'cause my dad kinda tuned by.... who knows? Then we forced
him to attend a seminar, and things changed. Before that, I had been handed
one of those full sets of forks,(one octave), and told to figure it out.
Boy. Was I glad to join the Guild. My first session with Danny Boone was
like being born again. Learning and using ET was like.... getting over a
bad case of constipation. So... long story short, I didn't know squat about
	The reason I'm wasting band-width now is to remind ya'll about the "old"
PTG ethics code, since ethics, contracts, common law, etc, seem to have
reared their ugly heads. Used to say something about not purporting that
one method was superior to another, and does still (sorta) say that, by
numbers 2, 3, and 6. Fair trade practices prevent me from telling a
customer that the previous ding-dong truly had no flippin' idea as to what
he was doing when he tuned her piano to match the accordion. Promoting
goodwill towards the industry as a whole is just good sense, since it's my
lively hood, and makes all customers more comfortable. Line two keeps me
aware that, if the customer doesn't know, it's my job to either educate
them, or do what they "expect", because they've put their trust in me, and
my reputation. I signed the back of my card.
	Like Ed said, let's learn how these various HT's, etc, sound, and can be
used, and not who's "right".

	I've SO much respect for the people on this list, it just bugs me to see
the discussion level "drop" to contention levels. Oh well, wasted more of
your time. NEXT!

Guy Nichols 
Guy Nichols, Member, PTG

              "Not everything that counts can be counted,
               and not everything that can be counted counts." 
				                          Albert Einstein

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