come and go and come back

Leslie W Bartlett
Sat, 22 Feb 1997 15:04:10 -0500 (EST)

I told "Jim" it would more unfairly swing the balance of listers toward
the IDIOTS if folks like he unsuscribe.  Guess one can't have any public
bonking, framming, or F***-ing, except it be within the very narrow scope
of that which is approved by "them".....  Those are likely the ones who
want to spout all their god-talk over the waves, which is very offensive
to me.

Leslie Bartlett M. Mus
Houston Chapter PTG

On Sat, 22 Feb 1997 18:24:37 +0000 "Oorebeek A." <>
>> In order not to disturb the pianotech line any further I
>>will unsubscribe. Thank you for bringing my affront to the attention
>of =
>>once again.
>>Jim Bryant (FL)
>You have NEVER disturbed me, are you serious?
>Please don't unsubscribe! You have to offer too much and we should =
>not run immediately because of one blow!
>Friendly Greetings from:
>Andr=E9 Oorebeek
>Amsterdam, the Netherlands
>email address:
>=89 Where Music is no harm can be =89

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