Board of Education Pains

Richard Moody
Tue, 04 Feb 1997 19:20:08 -0600

In some schools in my area, the band instrument repair person who makes
rounds to the school, offers  to tune the piano.  Since he is already there
he doesn't have to charge milage, with the business already he can cut your
fee by 5, 10  or 15 dollars.  With an electronic tuner,  its hard for them
to pass up $40 or more an hour extra.  If it needs a lot of repairs, why
its time to buy a new piano.
	The public schools that I tune for, I have always been contacted by the
vocal or
instrumental teacher.  They ask for rates,  usually more than one piano is
involved, make out a requisition which is approved by the principal, then
call back for an appointment.  Be prepared to have the invoice take 30 days
or more to get paid.  .
	A solicitation to the music department might be fruitful.

Richard Moody

> From: james allen bickerton <>
> To:
> Subject: Board of Education Pains
> Date: Tuesday, February 04, 1997 1:10 PM
> While attempting to expand my young piano tuning business, I did what I
> am sure a lot of you have done.  I attempted to crack the lucrative
> school system market.

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