Painted keys
Mon, 03 Feb 1997 18:55:08 -0500 (EST)

 I agree with John P. re; sanding. A difference between our methods is that I
use a flat surface rather than a sanding block. I clean off a section of the
work bench and put down a single section of newspaper. Folded so there are
four layers of paper on top of the table. I then lay the sandpaper I am going
to use on the newspaper. (the newspaper provides a cushion and will tend to
allow bits that can cause scratches to sink into the newspaper while still
maintaining a flat surface). I fold the very edge of the news/sandpaper over
the work bench edge to help hold it still and then run the key over the
sandpaper.  As John says, pay close attention to keep the key flat whichever
method you use. I use this method because I can achieve a longer stroke and
not have start and stop lines in the keytop. Both methods work well. As Jeff
would say " different strokes for different folks, eh?"
JIm Bryant (FL)

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