At 01:23 PM 6/28/96 -0700, you wrote: >> >> Here you go: >> Schaff Piano Supply, 451 Oakwood Road, Lake Zurich, IL 60047-1516 >> 1-800-747-4266 (1-800-74 piano) >> American Piano Supply, Box 1068, Clifton, NJ 07014-1068 1-800-457-4266 >> Pianotek Supply Co., 401 W. Marshall Ave., Ferndale, MI 48220 >> 1-810-545-1599 >> Pacific Piano Supply, 11323 Vanowen St., N. Hollywood, CA 91605 >> 1-818-769-2490 >> Renner USA, P.O. Box 1223, Weston, CT 06883 1-203-221-7500 >> There are others, but these should be able to provide you with any part you >> need. >> >> Ted Simmons >> >> > >Thanks for the infor. > >I'm a amateur piano rebuilder and just acquired a Conn Strobo Tuner, >with a toolbox full of tools and parts, from a retired professional >piano rebuilder/tuner. No manual came with the Tuner. I'm wondering >where I might find infor, or the manual is even better, for how to >use this machine. > > >Regards, >- Jonsky > >Get in the PTG or go to a college, or get the Randy Potter course, because you are gtoing to need more help than just a book. Lenny Childs, RPT San Antonio, TX
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