When I came to NIU, I was faced with 51 Steinways,49 of which had teflon bushings. Be sure to use only center pins from S&S, which are polished on both ends. I had to repin all 49 actions (yep,every pin) because my predecessor had used regular center pins and cut them off.If you have used the largest available pin (20 1/2), then replace the bushing and glue size the wodden part (flange, jack,or rep lever). I had to redo the teflon centers once more (wear &tear) before we finally put the money together to replace the actions-I have about 11 pianos left to do. I have used the phenomenon you describe when faced with a tight center pin. After putting parts back together, swing the part a dozen times. If the gram reading remains the same, you should be ok. It is time consuming work, but the piano will probably play better than it did when new- although new parts sure are nice! Good luck David Graham dgraham@niu.edu
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