Fallboard Decals, suppliers; and Piano Atlas

Frederick G Scoles scoles@Oswego.Oswego.EDU
Tue, 18 Jun 1996 11:39:05 -0400 (EDT)

I am looking for additional suppliers of decals.  Last week I tried to
find a replacement fallboard decal for a Newton Player (Feb. 1914) which
has three lines, top to bottom line:  NEWTON; PLAYER PIANO; NEW YORK.  I
checked with APSCO , Schaff, Player Piano Company, Decals Unlimited, and
Larry Ashley (has Bob Pierce's decals and atlas business).  Larry said he
might have something by Feb.'97, and Decals Unlimited requires $80. to
develop one from a tracing of the original.  Just wondering if another
company might have unusual decals like this, or ones which could be
pieced together.  I will check the PTG vendor/supplier listing again in
case I missed something there.

Larry Ashley mentioned that since Bob passed away, he has updated the
Atlas and plans on about Oct. release for the 10th ed.  He would like to
know if the addition of a hardbound or hardback edition (at additional
cost) would be good.  He would appreciate input from technicians,
dealers, ref. librarians, etc.  Of course, he said, the softback would
still be the main printing.  Both tel. numbers are still good, as well as
his e-mail.  He has 3 pages linked to the Piano Page WWW.

Fred Scoles, RPT,  Syracuse Chapter 131

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