On Sun, 16 Jun 1996, Ted Simmons wrote: > Vince Mrykalo replied to my question of the thunking string at the > bass/treble break. > > >I have heard of this problem before, and I think it was Lew Herwig who > >presented a possible solution. He suggested adding weight to the low > >end (tenor section) of the long bridge with key leads. > > ---------------------------my reply------------------------------- > > That's a very interesting solution, Vince. And we've already got some > positive statements from several others. I wonder what the theory behind > it is and whoever "thunk" (sorry, couldn't help myself) it up? I'll have > to give it a try. Thanks. > > Ted Simmons Hi, Ted. We had a thread on this subject some months back. I believe that it was Larry Fine who mentioned that in his early years he worked for a rebuilder who regularly used this kind of weighting with fine-quality grands he was restoring, apparently with quite good results. It should be in our archives. Les Smith lessmith@buffnet.net
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