On 15 Jun 96 ,Les Smith wrote; Hi, Vince. I've heard that solution discussed before, although I believe that it concerned grands and not verticals, or maybe I just don't remember it the way it was presented. At any rate, apparently the results achieved were out- standing. My question is this: Could you tell us where and how the weights should be attached to the bridge in the case of a vertical piano? Thanks very much. ---------------------- reply ----------------- I suppose they can be attached on the other side of the soundboard, opposite the section of bridge where you wish to add weight, held in place with screws. I guess you could experiment until you have what would be the optimum amount of weight. vince mrykalo rpt byu provo utah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is theory that decides what we believe-Einstein I believe that is a sound theory-VM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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