Piano Correspondence Schools

Cedar Mill Piano Tuner lgoss@europa.com
Wed, 12 Jun 1996 11:09:39 -0800

I, likewise, recommend the Randy Potter course.

Somehow Randy has managed to see the piano service world from the viewpoint of the
person who knows nothing, has nothing, has no idea of what's involved in a service
business, and then supplied the basic tools, information, training, and attitude that
person needs to get started.   This is not your run-of-the-mill correspondence course.

Larry Goss

On Mon, 10 Jun 1996 13:39:29 -0600 (MDT), jpiesik@arinc.com wrote:

>    Steve,
>    I also HIGHLY recommend the Potter course.
>    John Piesik
>    San Diego Chapter PTG
>Dear Steve (and the list),
>However, let me recommend instead that you contact Randy Potter about his
>correspondence course.  His course is more expensive, however, it is much,
>much more complete and very thorough.
>Randy Potter School of Piano Technology
>61592 Orion Dr.
>Bend, Oregon 97702
>(541) 382-5411
>David A. Vanderhoofven
>Joplin, Missouri, USA
>Associate Member, Piano Technicians Guild
>web page:  http://www.clandjop.com/~dkvander/

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