Last year I tuned a reproducing M&H grand with an art-carved case, one of only a few which were created in Italy, which was restored locally (outside of Chicago). A friend helped with the action work, but I was at the shop where it was restored. I'll try to track down the name of the place for you. >I got a call from a museum in another state about restoring an old >Kimball grand piano that belonged to some famous family. In addition >to the technical restoration it needs, the case needs refinishing, veneer >repair and replacement etc. > >Who does this kind of case work REALLY well. They will ship the piano >wherever it needs to go for this. The main consideration is quality of >the work. Please help me with some suggestions. > >Thanks, > >dave > >_______________________________________________ > >David M. Porritt, RPT >Meadows School of the Arts >Southern Methodist University >Dallas, Texas >_______________________________________________ >
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