Does anyone have a current phone number and address for the American School of Piano Tuning? Has anyone used there materials? Steve Cooper Chanute, KS Dear Steve (and the list), Since you are asking about the American School of Piano Tuning, here is the most recent address I have. (The address was recent in 1991!) American School of Piano Tuning 17050 Telfer Dr. Morgan Hill, CA. 95037 However, let me recommend instead that you contact Randy Potter about his correspondence course. His course is more expensive, however, it is much, much more complete and very thorough. His address: Randy Potter School of Piano Technology 61592 Orion Dr. Bend, Oregon 97702 phone (541) 382-5411 Randy is also on line at RNDYPOTTER@AOL.COM Good luck on your schooling whatever you decide. Sincerely, David A. Vanderhoofven Joplin, Missouri, USA Associate Member, Piano Technicians Guild web page:
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