Answer to E J's letter

Mon, 16 Oct 1995 10:15:00 -0400

Sorry about the partial message, My system crashed mid typing
I was suprised that anthing even went through.

As I was saying...

There are many beginers that do show the devotion and dedication to the
craft. To call this newsgroup "Not a place for beginers" is a huge

A few years ago, I wanted to purchase Arthur Reiblitz"s book on piano
repair. The local piano supply store owner was extremely reluctant to
sell it to me, I would guess in fear that I would try to start fixing
other peoples instruments and screw them up. After talking to him for
awhile I had asked him how he had gotten into the business and also
reminded him that somewhere along the line someone opened the door to
opportunity for him. Needles to say, He did eventuallu sell the book to
me and I still keep in touch with him.

Do I consider myself an expert? NO WAY and even after I pass the PTG
exams I still wouldnt call myself an "Expert". And even after I've been
in the business for 100 years I'm still not an expert.

Face it, were all beginners. Just at different levels. I dont think
there's anyone out ther that knows everything there is to know about the
instrument. And if there is, well then its time for you to close up shop
and pack up the tools because the challenge is gone.

This is a place for  "beginners" at all levels and a vast resource for
exchange of knowlege. As soon as we stop sharing that knowlege with
those dedicated to the craft,no matter what their level of skill may be
then the art of piano repair will stagnate and die.

"Take pride in what you've learned, and thirst for what you have not"


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