hammer voicing solutions

tom dibenedetto tdib@umich.edu
Thu, 05 Oct 1995 10:28:14 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 5 Oct 1995, Laurence Beach wrote:

> I seem to recall hearing once that S&S adds lacquer to their hammers
> first, then voices them down.  If that is true, I would think that there
> is nothing wrong with using lacquer.  By the way, does anyone know if I
> am right about what S&S does with their hammers?

yes, this is correct. S&S voicers apply several applications of dilute
lacquer, on the shoulders in the bass, then gradually closer to the
striking point as you go up, with the top treble somewhat drowned. The
tone is then "sculpted down" from that.

Tom DiBenedetto

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