S&S nut (FLUFF!) -Reply

Jack Reeves reevesj@BYUGATE.BYU.EDU
Thu, 19 Jan 1995 15:32:25 -0700

>>> Ron Torrella <torrella@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> 01/19/95
08:26am >>>

> The slots in the hose clamp band would get a slight bite into
the nut, and
> the pinion bolt assembly would give you plenty to grab on with.
> Try it but don't sue me....

My wife, the attorney in the family, said that such a suit would be
thrown out under Chapter 11 (frivilous...).  BUT!
I did manage to get the nut off this time without damaging it *in
any way!*

Aren't you just dying to know how!?

YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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