[CAUT] Nice inside-the-action-cavity camera work

David Skolnik davidskolnik at optonline.net
Fri Sep 3 06:31:34 MDT 2010

Besides San Fransisco festival, it showed at 
similar events in Milwaukee, D.C. & Rhode Island...past.  Still hoping.
Davids Skolnik

At 11:09 PM 9/2/2010, you wrote:
>Really? I've looked for it and it doesn't seem 
>to have been released in the states yet. All 
>I've been able to find are the official trailer 
>and a couple of short clips. As soon as it is 
>available though, I'll push to have the piano 
>majors all see it. How did you manage to see it? In a theater or on dvd?
>- Mark
>On 2:59 PM, Mark Schecter wrote:
>>Google the title, it's available. Really good 
>>too, with some humor that non-techs would probably miss.Â
>>But tonal imprints on the soundboard? I don't 
>>remember that part. Nevertheless, regardless what Knupfer says, I say Bogus!Â
>>-- Mark Schecter
>>On Sep 2, 2010, at 7:17 PM, Susan Kline 
>><<mailto:skline at peak.org>skline at peak.org> wrote:
>>>Mark, do you have any information on how we 
>>>could see this documentary, or buy it?
>>>Susan Kline
>>>On 9/1/2010 11:26 AM, Mark Dierauf wrote:
>>>>They must have used awfully small cameras for 
>>>>this, and either several of them or else 
>>>>multiple takes. I'm really looking forward to 
>>>>seeing this. Anybody heard of Mr. Knüpfer? 
>>>>This film could be a great promo for our 
>>>>services. Click the little "watch" button on 
>>>>the lower right of the photo to see the 
>>>>The recording of Bach's Art of the Fugue is 
>>>>already available, and I'll be curious to see how the piano comes across.
>>>>- Mark

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