[CAUT] Barbie tuner

Rex Roseman rosemanpiano at gmail.com
Sat Jul 26 15:08:45 MDT 2008



When you stated about his tuner registering 440 and 443 the same, I
remembered about a similar incident. The (ex) guitar player at the church I
play at had a guitar tuner that he insisted on using even though he knew
that it did not work. No matter what pitch he played into the tuner, it
would register slightly flat of 440. I would hear him tuning, pulling the
pitch up and up and up to try to get the machine to change until even he
realized that he was way off base.


These cheap guitar tuners can do strange things. The oboe players' may have
been broken in the same way that the one in the above story was, only it
would record 440 no matter what was played into it so he never knew that
there was a problem.


Rex Roseman


PS. I ended up hiding the guitar players tuner (should have thrown it out)
and tuning his guitar for him with a starting pitch from the churches piano.
Eventually he came complaining that he couldn't find his tuner and I ended
up giving it back to him. He knew all along that it was broken and refused
to use the one that worked. Go figure!!


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