[CAUT] A Project that might Work AND Pianopedia

Fred Sturm fssturm at unm.edu
Tue Jul 22 19:02:27 MDT 2008

On Jul 22, 2008, at 8:58 AM, Ed Sutton wrote:

> Again, I see this as being a CAUT/PTG project which establishes  
> which seeks to develop some fairly high-level material which  
> represents "CAUT Standards of Piano Maintenance." My impression is  
> that Fred is planning an independent and very different project, but  
> Fred should speak to that.

	Briefly, these are two separate projects. I support, and am willing  
to participate in, both. It is conceivable that the two projects could  
overlap in certain ways, but one (Ed's) is looking more at content,  
the other (Fred's) at an internet space and interface (to facilitate  
any number of things in the long run). The space will need content,  
and Ed's project would provide some. Otherwise, we are talking apples  
and oranges. Though I might suggest that the need for Ed's project  
could be said to arise from the lack of Fred's project (maybe that  
will be a more accurate statement a few years down the line).
	Ed's project is more concrete. Fred's is more, dare I say it,  
"visionary" (some will say unrealistic, but that's just their opinion  
<G>). Or you could reverse that and say that Ed's is more visionary  
(taking the whole of piano technology and developing a refined  
compendium of techniques), and Fred's is more concrete and pedestrian  
(merely establishing a medium in which content can be organized and  
	Did I clarify or obfuscate the matter? (No need to answer.).

Fred Sturm
University of New Mexico
fssturm at unm.edu

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