[CAUT] Pianopedia - Good intentions gone wrong

David Skolnik davidskolnik at optonline.net
Sun Jul 20 01:39:40 MDT 2008

>And this is the last itme I say dead is dead.
>Chris Solliday

Jon -
I will, at my peril, ignore  Dr. Baden's assessment that dead is, in 
fact, dead, and try once again to be clear.  In the interchange 
below, I asked a question, I didn't propose anything.  I'm asking if 
there are alternatives to the way the existing data can be 
manipulated, organized, or structured.  It's a technical question, 
which Andy Rudoff could probably answer, but which I certainly 
can't.  For example, would it be possible to retroactively 
attach  'category tags' to existing messages that could allow them to 
be consolidated, by such categories, even if they key word was not in 
the subject line?

  I'm baffled as to why my intent keeps getting twisted.  You repeat 
the reference to the Journal, but my question has nothing to do with 
creating a parallel data base, nor any other 'format' like the Journal's.

If I misconstrue or am otherwise projecting a hint of condescension 
in the remainder of your post, I apologize, though I vaguely sense 
that "proof in the puddin' " translates more accurately as "put up or 
shut up".

Best wishes -

David Skolnik
Hastings on Hudson, NY

At 08:44 PM 7/19/2008, you wrote:
>>I'm not sure what you're saying, especially in relation to the part
>>of my post that you've quoted, in which  I was simply wondering if
>>there were alternate ways in which the existing data could be
>>organized or searched
>Maybe I'm not sure what you're proposing.  I thought the format
>was already executed in the PTJ.
>Make it happen as a trial. Someone has to take that first
>step... it might as well be you.  Set it up.
>All this talk is getting tiresome. The proof is in the puddin'.
>Jon Page

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