[CAUT] Harpsichord transposing keyboard/ WT

David Doremus algiers_piano at bellsouth.net
Fri Jul 18 19:16:44 MDT 2008

Jim Busby wrote:
> If you tune a WT, which has a certain characteristic for each key, 
> then someone wants to shift the keyboard to play at A415, should you 
> retune it to maintain the key characteristics? IOW If the key of C as 
> a tonality is fairly clean but C# has a lot more movement, by shifting 
> the keyboard to A425 I’ve essentially changed the essence of the 
> perceived key qualities. Should I retune?
> I’m using Werkmeister III and one day the keyboard will be in A440 
> then the next A415, then back. Or… should I not worry about it?
Jim, I'd retune for sure. Werkmeister is reasonably crunchy, unless you 
really want the sharp keys sweet sounding. Besides, how long does it 
take to tune a harpsichord? No wear and tear on the wrist, no test blows 
and no ear strain. It's a good idea to tune them daily anyway, even if 
just out of habit. BTW, who's asking for 425?


  Tulane University

  New Orleans

  J'y suis, j'y reste.


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