[CAUT] Forum format (was Re: Requirements forcontributing/posting; RPT status

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Thu Jul 17 20:43:47 MDT 2008

> IMHO Israel Stein's letter on how people learn or don't learn and why 
> was rather illuminating and apropos to this discussion.

That would be the one in where I was personally condemned for 
not accepting the status quo of the Steinway sostenuto system, 
and presuming to change it rather than just learning to deal 
with it?

And being ignorant of the give and take of the formal 
educational process, having acquired my apparently sub 
standard education outside an institutional setting?

And being myopic in my inability to understand the value of 
knowledge acquired from others in a give and take 
instructor/student setting?

And screwing up pianos for years as a result of lacking 
competent instruction, again, presumably in an institutional 

And one of the worst among the "self taught" in suffering from 
the lack of varied perspective of others, universalizing my 
own miserable experience, as a result of being unwilling to 
listen to anyone else?

You mean that illuminating missive, with the comments of both 
parties being attributed to Mr Stein by virtue of lack of 
differentiation within the text, and the absence of my own 
signature and credit for my own comments?

Ron N

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