[CAUT] existing pinblock prep

David Ilvedson ilvey at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jul 17 13:09:14 MDT 2008

Check the archives...I believe it was advised to clean by hand with gun barrel brush...not in a drill or with reamers...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Jeff Farris" <Jfarris at mail.utexas.edu>
To: caut at ptg.org
Received: 7/17/2008 7:42:49 AM
Subject: [CAUT] existing pinblock prep

>Hi list,

>New topic!  When restringing and retaining the existing pinblock - 
>for instance, the pins are not loose, but you are improving bridges, 
>capo, agraffes, etc, - do you use anything on the pinblock holes, 
>such as gun cleaning brush (what size?), reamers (also what size?) 
>and what results have you had? has anyone done any "scientific" 
>research with this? As in, I've never treated some holes one way and 
>others a different way to check results. Just wanting to know what 
>you prefer.

>Jeff Farris
>Piano Technician
>School of Music
>UT Austin
>mailto; jfarris at mail.utexas.edu

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