[CAUT] caut Digest, Vol 1090, Issue 3

Willem Blees wblees at bama.ua.edu
Wed Sep 20 07:21:38 MDT 2006

Quoting Chris Solliday <solliday at ptd.net>:

> Wim, I just couldn't in good conscience take the attitude you have
> expressed, to leave the mess for the next guy. Frankly I am mystified
> that
> you seem on the right track making the right pitch and yet feel so
> hopeless.
> Buck up there buckaroo, hang in there.
> Chris Solliday

Despite it's obvious short comings, I like my job. I like the people I 
work with, and for the most part, enjoy working for the school. 
Although I have to turn in a time card every two weeks, I am left 
alone. I come and go as I please. I almost feel like a contract tech, 
except I get paid every two weeks, including full benfits, and I have 
an office/shop, paid for by the unviversity.  

As far as leaving this mess for the next person, I feel that that is 
out of my hands. All I can do is offer advice to the next person as to 
how to handle this situation. I've already told the chair that 
everything in my shop belongs to me, valued at about $25,000, and that 
when I leave, it all goes with me.  How they handle that is up to 


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