[CAUT] arbor press, etc.

ed440 at mindspring.com ed440 at mindspring.com
Tue Sep 5 15:57:52 MDT 2006

Hey, David-

If this is the first time you're using the Stanwood kit, why make it so complex?

Use the two swedging rods that come with the kit, one in the plastic "anvil," one in your hand; tap lightly with a small hammer to expand the lead.
Don't tap or swedge very hard, it will split the hammer molding. You'll be surprized how tightly it holds.

A major advantage of the system is the ability to produce a strike weight continuity.  This seems to have a particular feel that many pianists notice, and it also has an effect on the voicing of the piano if the scale is well designed, which you will come to appreciate as part of the value of doing it this way.

I would suggest you create a strike weight continuity for this piano and work out the other details later.

Ed Sutton

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