[CAUT] Re. Touch and Tone

James Ellis claviers at nxs.net
Sun Sep 3 12:43:31 MDT 2006

Ric, I'll stick to what I said before.  The experienced pianist
distinguishes between feel and sound.  Sometimes the novice does not.  I
don't think I ever had an experienced pianist tell me the piano felt better
after I tuned it, unless I did some regulation, which they would certainly
notice.  It sounded better, and it had a better response because it was in
tune, but nothing about the mechanics was any different unless I regulated
it.  In those cases, I can only conclude that it was/is psychological.

I once saw a piano student trying to create a vibrato by holding the key
down and wiggling it.  I believe she actually thought she was doing it, and
I doubt she had ever played a clavichord.

Jim Ellis

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