[CAUT] Advice

Susan Kline skline@peak.org
Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:32:45 -0700

At 12:44 PM 9/29/2005 -0600, Fred wrote:
>I'm still feeling
>leery of action freeze-up problems, even though Roger assures me that has
>been solved at last.

It wasn't solved on the K&C I've had to do warranty on, a couple of years old.
First underlevers, one after another. Took the tray home, did them all,
a little spacing trouble, a few topflange screws didn't want to stay tight.
Got all that done -- then the first jack seized. She's taking it back
and using the credit to get something else.

I do hope that they have finally fixed this Samick problem. It's a pain.
Some of their pianos never had it -- some have it one place and not
another. How long before one is _sure_ they've fixed it? A heavy-use practice
piano will certainly bring any center pin problems to your attention soon.

And yes, it's awfully loud and bright, even with voicing.


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