[CAUT] First images of Overs no. 6

Overs Pianos sec@overspianos.com.au
Mon, 7 Nov 2005 23:06:46 +1100

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Hi all,

This week we completed fitting the bass corner cut-off and the treble 
cut-off to the case of piano no. 6 (the one we'll be bringing to the 
Rochester PTG convention next June). Please find below a reduced size 
version of an overhead image.

Image showing the sound board cutoff sections, fitted to the case of 
the Overs 225 no.6, under construction.

For those of you who  have a 24" screen, a larger version of the 
above image can be found at;

http://members.optusnet.com.au/ronovers/oversno6.1.jpg  (144 K)

I if you have a smaller screen you'll need to scroll around a bit.

A closer image of the treble cut-off area can be found at;

http://members.optusnet.com.au/ronovers/oversno6.2.jpg  (144K)

In the above image link, you can see that the belly rail, back beams, 
and inner rim are all manufactured from rock maple. The outer rim is 
maple also but its covered and can't be seen. The top surface of the 
belly rail in this instrument is flat, and not crowned. Both cut-offs 
are made from Antarctic Beech (nothofagus Moorei - darker wood) and 
Silky Beech (Citronella Moorei - lighter coloured wood). Both are 
local timbers, and structurally at least as strong as Maple.

Kawai KG series agraffes required.

I am wondering if someone could supply me with two new Kawai KG 
series trichord agraffes. I had quite a stock of these things, but 
I've supplied a few too many to various techs over the years. Now 
when I want a couple myself I haven't got any. If anybody has a few, 
and can spare two, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Ron O.
    Grand Piano Manufacturers

Web http://overspianos.com.au
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