[CAUT] Hearing Protection Desirable for Tuning?

DIANE HOFSTETTER dianepianotuner@msn.com
Tue, 01 Nov 2005 21:50:01 -0800


I was greatly distressed to read of your difficulties with tinnitus!  You 
certainly are having a rough time of it.

I tried to google your doctor's website, but with no luck.  Can you send me 
his URL?

You do need to write to Hans Troost. When I "met" him online about three or 
four years ago, he was ready to quit piano tuning, violin performing, 
driving a car........even eating dinner was painful to him because he 
suffered not only from tinnitus, but also hyperacusis, in which all sounds 
are painfully loud (the sound of his knife and fork on his dinner plate was 

Today Hans has learned to manage his tinnitus and hyperacusis and he 
continues tuning pianos and playing historical folk music on his violin.

He has become a passionate crusader for hearing health for piano technicians 
and will be very happy to correspond with you.  I will send him a copy of 
your post to CAUT, and even suggest he subscribe to CAUT in view of the 
recent posts about hearing.

I do hope you will be able to find some relief!

Diane Hofstetter

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