[CAUT] Practice Room Piano Benches

David Ilvedson ilvey@sbcglobal.net
Thu, 9 Dec 2004 18:28:26 -0800

Not exactly elegant, but a great idea.   I would think some sort of padding would be needed for the those bony musician butts...

David I.

----- Original message ---------------------------------------->
From: Fred Sturm <fssturm@unm.edu>
To: College and University Technicians <caut@ptg.org>
Received: Thu, 09 Dec 2004 17:08:13 -0700
Subject: RE: [CAUT] Practice Room Piano Benches

>Hi Don,
>	Sounds very much like something Newton Hunt wrote about a few years ago:

>"I still say the students should have a wooden box to sit upon.
>15x17x19" or any other three dimensions you choose.  Cheap,
>"adjustable", replaceable, nearly indestructible and if "uglified"
>properly will never walk away.

>I got this idea from some boxes with one open side that they dance
>students were using as dance props.  I sat uponm one realized that it
>was strong and if all sides were closed it would make a simple, cheap
>and adjustable piano b(ox)ench.

>3/8" plywood with 3/4" cleats, glued and nailed and painted bright
>primary colors with some holes drilled in stragic places for easy

>                Newton"

>Fred Sturm
>University of New Mexico

>--On Thursday, December 9, 2004 4:26 PM -0500 "Wigent, Donald E" 

>> Hellow this is Don Wigent at East Carolina U.  We have
>> A bench thing here as well and up to now we have ben bying benches with
>> stretchers and they work well but after a time they get loose.  I have
>> ben thinking of a simple bench that would be made like a box so it could
>> not get loose.  If the dementions were just so you could get max use out
>> of a sheet of plywood. The top would not raise and it would have 2 by2
>> posts in the corners and would be scrooedand glooed together it could
>> never creak or get loose.They could be made cheaply. It is just an
>> thought.  What do you think.

>Fred Sturm
>University of New Mexico
>caut list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

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