info for a journalist
Wed, 21 May 2003 17:00:16 EDT

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In a message dated 5/21/03 3:43:51 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> >How many pianos are there in the world?
> >How many pianos are there in the U S?

If we use Kimball's formula, we can guess on the number of pianos in the US. 
As far as the rest of the world, that would be a little more difficult, 
because very few countries have the same economic base. 

Kimball's formula was "the population of a geographical area times 19%" So 
with almost 275,000,000 people in the US, there should be about 52,250,000 
pianos. Not all of them in use, and certainly not nearly that many being 
tuned on a regular basis. 

On a lighter note, considering there are about 10,000 piano tuners in this 
country, with each one being able to take of about 2000 pianos, if there are 
indeed 52 million pianos, more than half the pianos do not get any service at 

On the other hand, with 10,000 technicians trying to take care of those 52 
million pianos, even if they only got tuned once a year, the bad news is, 
that each technician would need to tune 5200 piano per year, or 100 per week, 
every week. The good news, is that at $80 per tuning, the tuner would be 
bringing in about $415,000 a year. Taking out about 25% for taxes, and 
another 25% for overhead, that is still a little over $200,000 per year 
profit. Not bad, if your arm can hold out. 


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