John Minor
Mon Dec 4 08:07 MST 2000

Sometimes there is *JUST* enough forward tip on the hammer flanges to
create this situation. You might try simply loosening the screw and
tipping the flange away from the wippen, then re-tightening the screw.

Sometimes you can even see this by sighting down the tops of the hammer
flanges and checking for ones that appear to be lower than the rest, or
leaning forward.

John Minor
University of Illinois

On Sun, 3 Dec 2000, John D. Chapman wrote:

]I did tighten all the screws on the underside of the keybed.
]However, you may be right about the jack slapping against the tongue of
]the hammer flange.  That would produce the right kind of noise, and,
]if the action rails were slightly out of line, would
]explain why the noise is in those four consecutive notes at the end of a
]section, and no other notes.  
]The jack is not digging into the repetition felt when the key is fully
]depressed, but it might still be slapping the flange tongue when the note 
]is played.
]How would you correct this problem?
]John Chapman

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