Metric / American Standard gauges

Fred Sturm
Fri Dec 1 14:33 MST 2000

	Could you give a brief explication of each entry? I take it "size" is
equivalent to gauge, "Amer. inches" is the equivalent of that gauge in
inches from American suppliers, "metric inches" is what is supplied as
the given gauge by European suppliers (Roslau) measured in inches.
Beyond that, I'm a bit confused. Is "metric" the equivalent in
millimeters of "metric inches" and "Amer. metric" the equivalent in
millimeters of "Amer. inches"? 
	The remainder, I haven't a clue.
Fred Sturm
University of New Mexico
Newton Hunt wrote:
> Should have done this in the beginning, sorry folks.
>                 Newton
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
>   American & Metric Wire Sizes
>  Size  Amer.  Metric Metric  Amer. Amer.
>       Inches  Inches        metric  size  Steel Wire     Copper wraps
> =====================================================================
>    12  0.029  0.0285  0.725  0.737   11.7    12  0.029    39  0.0075

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